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  • Tel: +91-172-5256400, 5256401, Fax: 0172-2702423

CAL-C Services


Registration of Students

Students taking courses at CAL-C Centre will be registered with CAL-C by filling Student Registration cum Admission Form which is available in the prospectus. Students can obtain the prospectus from CAL-C Training Partner Centre on payment of Rs 100/-.

The Centre will compile the list of registered students and send it along with the Student Registration cum Admission Form on a monthly basis to CAL-C Head Office.

The Centre will issue the identity cards to the students for the duration of course registered as attached in the prospectus.

Detail registration process is mentioned in the prospectus


Conducting Courses

Attendance :

Students are to be present in all scheduled class periods (including make-up classes). Students must be regular and punctual in attendance of classes, tutorials and submission of term work on various subjects. All matters related to student absenteeism are to be communicated to parents in writing. Since CAL-C believes that attendance in class is compulsory part of the learning experience, the following rules are applicable strictly.

Absenteeism :

Absenteeism is defined as not attending any session without proper permission from the faculty. In case of sickness, the student is to submit an application duly signed by the Parent/guardian & supported by registered doctor.

The following rules apply :

  1. Three (3) absences, continuous or staggered per module are allowed.
  2. Minimum 75% attendance is required to be eligible for examination and placement. (Please note that absences are counted from the first day of the start of the module.)


Drop Out :

A student who does not attend the institute without information for more than 21 consecutive working days is termed as dropout. A drop-out would mean that the student has to pay Rs. 500/- as re-admission charges and Rs. 1500/- as make-up charges. Re-admission period will be within 6 months.

Leave :

The student must fill it with relevant and correct information and get it signed by the parent or guardian. The faculty would check the signature of the parent or the guardian and based on the reason specified, would give his approval by signing on it. The student cannot pressurize the faculty for granting the leave.

Late Attendance :

Students are expected to be in class on time. The latecomers, i.e. those who come late by more than 10 minutes will be marked 'L' in the attendance, and three "L" will be equivalent to one absent.

Certification Guidelines

CAL-C Head Office shall award certificates to the students after the completion of course:

  • Certificates will be issued to the respective centres after the dues are cleared.
  • The student must have cleared all papers.
  • Admission form of the student enrolled under short term course must reach the head office before 10th day of following the month. Else, Date of receipt of form by Punjab Infotech will be treated as date of admission.
  • Based on the performance in the final examination and above-mentioned criteria, the students are awarded "DIPLOMA" or "CERTIFICATE" as per the course he has chosen. Centre heads ensure that the certificates are verified before handing over / delivering to student and keep the proper record related to issue of certificates to students.
  • The students can be awarded a duplicate certificate on application, if he has lost the earlier one, only after the payment required fee. Undertaking to be given by the student as per the requirement of Punjab Infotech.
Monitoring and follow up


To ensure quality of training, periodic / surprise-monitoring visits will be made by officers of CAL-C Head Office, or the officers as nominated by CAL-C Head Office. The officers will report on the functioning of CAL-C Centers as per the CAL-C Head Office norms. In case of the failure of the CAL-C Centers to conform to CAL-C Head Office norms, their franchisee will be cancelled.

Feedback will be taken from students after the completion of every module by the Centre Heads

Reports from Center

Monthly Reports of the CAL-C Centers shall be sent regularly to CAL-C Head Office, Chandigarh. These reports must reach CAL-C Head office by 10th of every month giving status as on last day of previous month.

Quarterly Activities carried out at the CAL-C Centers ashall is sent regularly to CAL-C Head Office, Chandigarh.

Code of Conduct

Centers are expected to maintain a high code of ethics that will be promulgated along with training partner application. Also a Legal Agreement is to be executed by the applicant.

  • Field Study: In order to make student more aware of prevailing standards in the market and have firsthand experience of the IT, students would be taken to site tours or field trip. The student must be present during this trip and complete all the exercises as per the brief given -to them. In case he fails to attend, he would not be allowed to appear in final exam.
  • On the job training or internship: The centers may organize on-the job training internship. To be eligible for the same, the student must complete the full curriculum and should have passed all the tests and semester examination. During internship student may get monthly stipend.

Postpone or Reschedule Batches :

  • The Centers reserves the right to postpone and/or reschedule the classes due to unforeseen circumstances.
  • Depending on batch sizes and availability of professor, CAL-C reserves the right to transfer a student from one branch to another.

General Guidelines :

Alumni: A student who successfully completes the course becomes an alumni of the centre. As alumni he can serve as important link between the centre and the outside world. He would be entitled as alumni of the following:

  • He would be invited to annual alumni meet.
  • He would be able to sponsor any of his relative or friend and claim loyalty incentive in return which will be defined by centre time to time.
  • Placement Information: All CAL-C centers will maintain contact details of all Alumni students and their current placement with Govt or private organizations.