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  • Tel: +91-172-5256400, 5256401, Fax: 0172-2702423

CAL-C Services


  • Examination Form(CAL-C Courses- Aug 2024 session) Click here
  • Examination Form(PGDCA Courses) Click here
  • Examination Schedule(CAL-C Courses- Feb 2025 session) Click here
  • Examination Schedule(PGDCA Courses)


 Results (CAL-C)
Results Feb. 2024
Results (Aug 2024)
  • Examinations will be conducted twice in a year in the months of February and August. Date and details of examination will be communicated to training partner.
  • Examination Schedule will be communicated to training partner centers through e-mail & will be uploaded on the website of CAL-C for reference of training partner centres or students. It is the duty of centre heads of CAL-C Centres to visit the website / check the emails regularly.
  • Formats related to examination i.e. IA/Practical / Project marks criteria etc can be downloaded from website itself.
  • CAL-C will conduct theory and practical examinations at respective centers. If the number of students appearing in the examinations is less than 20 nos. then training partner centre will not be made examination centre and students of the centre will appear in nearby examination centre. Centre may be required to depute Faculty as Examination Supervisor for examination at nearby centers.
  • The examination syllabus will be as per details in Prospectus/ mentioned on website.
  • Examination Pattern, course wise, can be downloaded from website & is also mentioned in the Prospectus.
  • 75% attendance of student is required for a student to appear in examination.
  • Number of theory and practical papers and their duration etc. in each course will be intimated through student prospectus & on website.
  • QUALIFYING MARKS : Minimum pass marks in each paper will be 40%.
  • Examination will be conducted by the empanelled Examination Supervisor (ES) of Punjab Infotech. ES are empanelled as per the criteria laid down by Punjab Infotech.
  • Centre Heads are required to give Undertaking for proper conduct of exams at centre as provided by the Punjab Infotech. Centre Head will be overall responsible for conduct of exam smoothly at his/her centre.
  • Grading :Grading is done as per following table.

Percentage Grading: Marks Obtained Grade
80% & above 'O'
70% - Less than 80% 'A'
60% - Less than 70% 'B'
50% - Less than 60% 'C'
40% - Less than 50% 'D'
Less than 40% 'Attended'
 Re-totaling / Re-checking Procedure

Student can apply for Re-totaling / Re-Checking within 15 days from the date of declaration of result by PICTC by paying Rs 100/- per paper the training partner must send the request for Re-Checking in the following format.


Cheating is intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information and all which includes the following:

  • Unauthorized collaboration with others for completing in your place.
  • Having someone else takes an examination in your place.
  • During the examination copying from another's answers, facilitating others to the same from one's own answer.
  • Presenting project work that is even partly done by someone else.
  • Unauthorized access to/use of examinations, test, and quizzes.
  • Intentional and unauthorized falsification of center's information like mark sheet, certification etc.
  • Falsification of signatures, making duplicate course books and any other actions that intentionally or unintentionally hurts center's copyrights and patents.
  • The centres may take action as law against the mal practicing student and inform the Head Office about the same.

Mass Copying during the examination will lead to cancellation of exam & the following action will be taken for cheating cases:

  • A penalty of Rs 10,000/- will be imposed on the respective centre in case, cheating has been noted by the inspection team during the examination.
  • Centre will not be made an examination centre in future.
  • Examination Supervisor will be banned & no payment will be made.
  • No payment will be made to the Examination Supervisor, if any information provided by ES found to be false or mis-appropriate.


The following is not allowed.

  • The student cannot be faculty or Examination Supervisor at any CAL-C Centre.
  • Centre Head cannot appear for any exam from any CAL-C Centre. Enrolment will be treated cancelled, if it is found that Centre Head is appearing for any examination from any CAL-C Centre.
  • Centre Head/ Relative of Centre Head cannot be assigned duty as Examination Supervisor at other centers.
 Examination Supervisors

Examination will be conducted twice in a year i.e. in Winter Session Feb. & Summer Session Aug. for both the Software & Hardware Stream Courses. So, CAL-C Head Office make panel of Examination Supervisor (ES) for City/ Town / Area for conducting the semester examinations at the CAL-C.


Qualification: - Graduate or above Experience: - More than 10 years experience as a teacher in college, school/Institution. Compensation: - Rs 300/- per day for one shift / Rs.400/- per day for two shift. Travel expenses will be paid where applicable.

  1. T.A for submission of Answer sheets, Daily Exam Report, Attendance Sheets & Project Award list in proper order etc to CAL-C Head office
  2. Ordinary Bus fare >15km for conduct of exam ,Ordinary Bus fare + Local conveyance of Rs 75/- for visit to head office Faculty members deputed as ES will be given the same honorarium and travelling expenses as in case of Empanelled Examination Supervisors.
  3. Rs 350 to be paid to ES on the date of submission of answersheets with head office.


Examination supervisors are responsible for overseeing examinations, creating a fair and uniform environment for the students and making sure every exam is conducted as per the guidelines & norms fixed.


Examination Supervisor will ensure the confirmation of receipt of Question Papers.

During Examination

Examination supervisor are responsible for supervision & monitoring of students during the exam. The Examination Supervisor will ensure opening of sealed question papers in presence of centre head & students, proper seating arrangements and fair conduct of exams. Examination Supervisor is responsible for reporting any.
After completion of the exams, the Examination Supervisor is responsible for collecting and sealing the answer sheets and keeping them in safe custody.

Post Examination

The Examination Supervisor shall ensure that the answer sheets are submitted at CAL-C HO within one day of completion of the examination.

Click here to Download the List of Approved Examination Supervisors.
Click here to Download Guidelines of Examination Supervisors.